영미문학관련 LION(Literature Online) DB 이용안내
1. Full-Text Journals 24종 추가 (총289종)
최근 full-text 저널 24종이 추가되어 LION에서 이용하실 수 있는 영문학 저널이 총 289종이 되었습니다. 추가된 타이틀은 African Arts, Afro-Hispanic Review, American Theatre, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Journal of Canadian Studies, Journal of Folklore Research, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Poets & Writers, Queen’s Quarterly, Transactions of the American Philological Association, Women’s Studies Quarterly 등 입니다.
“Includes articles, book reviews, production reviews, and, occasionally, new plays. […] This journal is an important addition to any college or university library, as well as any large public library that addresses the needs of dedicated theatergoers.” – Magazines for Libraries review.
“This publication serves an important role in the field because it sums up so well the progress in a particular area of linguistics every year, a sort of a state-of-the-art report. The main emphasis is on the learning and teaching of languages. The series is meant to be a reference tool and as such provides scholarly, well-written, interesting articles that are commissioned for this publication alone and thus not likely to be found elsewhere. Of particular use are the extensive bibliographies, both annotated and un-annotated. Also very helpful are the separate indexes for author, title, and contributor. Recommended for all academic collections.” – Magazines for Libraries review.
2. New Biographies 40건 추가
Gregory Corso, Edward Dorn, Rita Dove, Ralph Ellison, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Denise Levertov, Jack London, Michael Ondaatje 등 40명의 작가 전기(Biographies)가 추가 되었습니다.
LION에서는 4,400여명이 넘는 작가의 전기를 제공하고 있으며, 이를 통해 작가의 일생, 작품 그리고 비평에 관해 포괄적으로 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 Biographies는 Author Pages 링킹을 통해서, Criticism and Reference 에서 검색을 통해서, Quick Search에서 작가이름으로 검색을 통해서 이용이 가능합니다.
더불어 LION은 18,500명의 작가 레코드를 제공합니다. 각 작가 레코드는 작가의 프로파일정보, 전기(Biographies), 작품(시, 소설, 희곡)정보, 작가와 관련된 비평 및 참고자료를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
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