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영미문학관련 LION(Literature Online) DB 이용안내

dd100 2010. 2. 23. 16:31

1.    Full-Text Journals 24 추가 (289)

최근 full-text 저널 24종이 추가되어 LION에서 이용하실 있는 영문학 저널이  289 되었습니다. 추가된 타이틀은 African Arts, Afro-Hispanic Review, American Theatre, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Journal of Canadian Studies, Journal of Folklore Research, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Poets & Writers, Queen’s Quarterly, Transactions of the American Philological Association, Women’s Studies Quarterly 입니다.

 LION 저널리스트에서 상세정보 확인 가능합니다 à LION 최신 타이틀 리스트 다운로드 받기



        American Theatre

 “Includes articles, book reviews, production reviews, and, occasionally, new plays. […] This journal is an important addition to any college or university library, as well as any large public library that addresses the needs of dedicated theatergoers.” – Magazines for Libraries review.

        Annual Review of Applied Linguistics

 “This publication serves an important role in the field because it sums up so well the progress in a particular area of linguistics every year, a sort of a state-of-the-art report. The main emphasis is on the learning and teaching of languages. The series is meant to be a reference tool and as such provides scholarly, well-written, interesting articles that are commissioned for this publication alone and thus not likely to be found elsewhere. Of particular use are the extensive bibliographies, both annotated and un-annotated. Also very helpful are the separate indexes for author, title, and contributor. Recommended for all academic collections.” – Magazines for Libraries review.

2.    New Biographies 40 추가

Gregory Corso, Edward Dorn, Rita Dove, Ralph Ellison, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Denise Levertov, Jack London, Michael Ondaatje 40명의 작가 전기(Biographies) 추가 되었습니다.

LION에서는 4,400여명이 넘는 작가의 전기를 제공하고 있으며, 이를 통해 작가의 일생, 작품 그리고 비평에 관해 포괄적으로 확인할 있습니다.   Biographies Author Pages 링킹을 통해서, Criticism and Reference 에서 검색을 통해서, Quick Search에서 작가이름으로 검색을 통해서 이용이 가능합니다.

더불어 LION 18,500명의 작가 레코드를 제공합니다. 작가 레코드는 작가의 프로파일정보, 전기(Biographies), 작품(, 소설, 희곡)정보, 작가와 관련된 비평 참고자료를 확인 하실 있습니다

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